Configuration file

The configuration file describes an experiment, which consists of a dataset, dataset preprocessing steps, learning model, training configuration, learning model postprocessing steps and a deployment configuration.

TOML format

The configuration file format is TOML, an INI-like format.

The configuration is fundamentally a key-value mapping, i.e., a dictionary, where the value can be a container such as another dictionary (called a Table in TOML) or a list (called an Array in TOML), allowing hierarchical settings, or a literal such as a string, a number or a boolean. These values are parsed in Python and converted to nested dict, list, str, int, float, and bool types.


Tables (i.e., dictionaries) can be expressed with 3 possibles syntaxes:

  1. Block-style

mykey = "myvalue"
  1. Key-style

mydict.mykey = "myvalue"
  1. Inline-style

mydict = { mykey = "myvalue" }

They can be nested with the . separator, e.g., [mydict1.mydict2] or mydict1.mydict2.mykey = "myvalue"

In Qualia’s configuration files, syntax 1. is generally used for top-level sections, syntax 3. is discouraged, and syntax 2. is generally used for hierarchical settings inside a section.


Arrays (i.e. list) can be expressed with 2 possible syntaxes:

  1. Block-style, array of tables only

mykey = "myvalue1"

mykey = "myvalue2"

This creates a list containing 2 elements, each of them being a dictionary with a single “mykey” key, the first one with value "value1" and the second one with "value2". The blocks are read in the order they are written in the file to build the list.

  1. Inline-style

mylist = ["myvalue1", "myvalue2"]

This creates a simple list with 2 elements of different values.

In Qualia’s configuration files, syntax 1. is generally used for top-level sections and syntax 2. is used for settings inside a section.


Booleans are written as true or false, without a capital letter, and translate directly to Python’s True or False.

Int, Float, Str

These types are written the same as in Python and translate directly to the Python type.


TOML does not have any null type (or an equivalent of Python’s None), see this issue. If absolutely required, a false literal might be used instead, and manually converted to None in Python.


Comments start with a # at the end of a line (empty or not).

Qualia configuration structure

A Qualia configuration file is divided in multiple sections described below.

Each section contains a list of settings. The TOML type is provided in the description whenever possible. Settings are mandatory unless described as optional.

Warning: unrecognized sections are silently ignored. Unrecognized settings may be silently ignored depending on their location.

Example configuration files are available in the conf folder of the Qualia-Core and Qualia-Plugins source code repositories.


The [bench] section contains some general settings for the experiment described in the configuration file.

List of settings:

  • name (string): name of the experiment, used for the logs output folder among other things.

  • seed (integer): global seed to set for various random generators (Python, NumPy, PyTorch, Tensorflow…) at the beginning of the experiment.

  • first_run (integer): first iteration to run for model training, deployment and evaluation.

  • last_run (integer): last iteration to run for model training, deployment and evaluation, experiment will iterate last_run - first_run + 1 times.

  • plugins (array of string, optional): list of plugin package names to load in order of appearance, e.g., ['qualia_plugin_snn', 'qualia_plugin_spleat].

[deploy] (optional)

Configuration for the deployment onto a target. Only required for the prepare_deploy and deploy_and_evaluate actions.

For more information about available converters and their parameters, see . The suggested deployers are available as the deployers attribute of the converter class. The suggested evaluator is available as the evaluator attribute of the deployer class. Plugins may also load their own converters which can suggest their own deployers and evaluators.

List of settings:

  • target (string): name of the target to deploy onto, this must match a class in the deployers suggested by the converter.

  • converter.kind (string): the converter class to use for deployment, e.g. C code generation with QualiaCodeGen.

  • converter.params (table, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the constructor of the converter class.

  • deployer.params (table, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the deployer class constructor (which is determined from the suggested deployers and the target name).

  • evaluator.params (table, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the evaluator class constructor (which is suggested by the deployer class)

  • quantize (array of string): base data type to use for quantization, passed to the converter class construtor.


The learning framework to load for this experiment.

For more information about available learning frameworks and their parameters, see qualia_core.learningframework. Plugins may also load their own learning frameworks.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of the learningframework class to load, e.g., PyTorch or Keras.

  • params (table, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the constructor of the loaded learningframework class.


The dataset to load.

For more information about available datasets, see qualia_core.dataset.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of the dataset class.

  • params (array of string, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the dataset class constructor.

[experimenttracking] (optional)

The experiment tracking module to use during the train action.

For more information about available datasets, see qualia_core.experimenttracking.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of the experiment tracking class.

  • params (array of string, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the experiment tracking class constructor.

[[preprocessing]] (optional)

Zero, one or more [[preprocessing]] sections can be present in the configuration. They correspond to preprocessing modules to apply successively after loading the dataset in the preprocess_data action and before exporting the data.

For more information about available preprocessing modules and their parameters, see . Plugins may also load their own preprocessing modules or override existing ones.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of the preprocessing class to apply.

  • params (array of string, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the preprocessing class constructor.

[[data_augmentation]] (optional)

Zero, one or more [[data_augmentation]] sections can be present in the configuration. They correspond to dataaugmentation modules to apply successively during training to the data before injecting it into the model in the training action.

Dataaugmentation modules with their before attribute will all be applied before sending the data to the device (e.g., GPU). Dataaugmentation modules with their after attribute will all be applied after sending the data to the device (e.g., GPU). In order words, the ordering of dataaugmentation modules only affect the before and the after independently, as modules marked before will always be applied before the modules marked after. A dataugmentation module cannot have both before and after set to true.

Dataaugmentation modules with their evaluate attribute set to true will also affect inference, both in the training and the deploy_and_evaluate actions.

For more information about available preprocessing modules and their parameters, see .

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of the preprocessing class to apply.

  • params (array of string, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the preprocessing class constructor.

  • params.before (boolean, optional): if true, apply before transfering the data to the device (e.g., GPU), default to false.

  • params.after (boolean, optional): if true, apply after transfering the data to the device (e.g., GPU), default to true.

  • params.evaluate (boolean, optional): if true, apply during inference as well, default to false.

[[postprocessing]] (optional)

Zero, one or more [[postprocessing]] sections can be present in the configuration. They correspond to postprocessing modules to apply successively on the model after performing the initial training in the train action. Postprocessing modules are also applied after loading the model in the prepare_deploy and deploy_and_evaluate actions.

Postprocessing module can change the name of a model the learning framework currently in use. These transformations are applied during the application of the module in the training action, but before instantiating the model in the prepare_deploy and deploy_and_evaluate actions.

For more information about available postprocessing modules and their parameters, see . Plugins may also load their own postprocessing modules or override existing ones.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of the preprocessing class to apply.

  • params (array of string, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the preprocessing class constructor.

  • export (boolean, optional): if true, save the weights of the model afterwards, default to false. This may or may not erase the existing model weights depening on whether the postprocessing module changes the name of the model.


Common training and model settings that are inherited by each of the [[model]] section.

For more information about available learning models for each learning framework and their parameters, see qualia_core.learningmodel. Plugins may also load their own learning framework and bring their own learning models alongside.

List of settings:

  • load (boolean, optional): if true, load existing model weights, default to false.

  • train (boolean, optional): if false, do not perform training, default to true.

  • evaluate (boolean, optional): if false, do not perform evaluation of the model, default to true.

  • epochs (integer): number of training epochs.

  • batch_size (integer): training and inference batch size.

  • kind (string): name of the learning model class.

  • params (table): keyword parameters to pass to the learning model class constructor.


Optimizer settings passed to the learning framework.

For more information about available optimizer and their parameters, see the appropriate learningframework in qualia_core.learningframework.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of optimizer class to use.

  • params (string): keyword parameters to pass to the optimizer class constructor.

[model_template.optimizer.scheduler] (optional)

Learning rate scheduler settings passed to the learning framework.

For more information about available learning rate scheduler and their parameters, see the appropriate learningframework in qualia_core.learningframework.

List of settings:

  • kind (string): name of learning rate scheduler class to use.

  • params (string): keyword parameters to pass to the learning rate scheduler class constructor.


One or more learning model configuration to process successively in the train, prepare_deploy and deploy_and_evaluate actions.

Each [[model]] section inherits from the common [model_template], but can override any setting, including optimizer.

For more information about available learning models for each learning framework and their parameters, see qualia_core.learningmodel. Plugins may also load their own learning framework and bring their own learning models alongside.

List of settings:

  • name (string): model name used to save weights and log results, must be unique.

  • load (boolean, optional): if true, load existing model weights, overrides [model_template].

  • train (boolean, optional): if false, do not perform training, overrides [model_template].

  • evaluate (boolean, optional): if false, do not perform evaluation of the model, overrides [model_template].

  • epochs (integer, optional): number of training epochs, overrides [model_template].

  • batch_size (integer, optional): training and inference batch size, overrides [model_template].

  • kind (string, optional): name of the learning model class, overrides [model_template].

  • params (table, optional): keyword parameters to pass to the learning model class constructor, merged with [model_template] and overrides conflicting settings.

  • disabled (boolean, optional): if true, skip this model, default to false.