Source code for qualia_codegen_core.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright 2021 (c) Pierre-Emmanuel Novac <> Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, LEAT. All rights reserved.
# April 29, 2021
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
import sys
from pathlib import Path

from qualia_codegen_core import Converter
from qualia_codegen_core.graph import ModelGraph, Quantization
from qualia_codegen_core.graph.ActivationsRange import ActivationsRange
from qualia_codegen_core.graph.RoundMode import RoundMode
from qualia_codegen_core.typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from qualia_codegen_core.graph.ActivationRange import ActivationRange  # noqa: TCH001

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def is_hdf5(filepath: Path) -> bool: with'rb') as f: header = return header == b'\x89\x48\x44\x46\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a'
[docs] def load_modelgraph(filepath: Path, module_name: str = '', *strargs: str) -> ModelGraph | None: if module_name: # PyTorch import importlib.util import torch args = [eval(arg) for arg in strargs] # noqa: PGH001 S307 eval() is used to convert string to expression for any arg type modname, classname = module_name.rsplit('.', 1) mod = importlib.import_module(modname) tmodel = getattr(mod, classname)(*args) tmodel.eval() tmodel.load_state_dict(torch.load(filepath))'PyTorch model: %s', tmodel) from qualia_codegen_core.graph.TorchModelGraph import TorchModelGraph return TorchModelGraph(tmodel).convert() if is_hdf5(filepath): # Keras import tensorflow as tf # type: ignore[import-untyped] from keras.models import load_model # type: ignore[import-untyped] # No stubs for keras package from .graph.KerasModelGraph import KerasModelGraph # We don't need a GPU, don't request it tf.config.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU') kmodel = load_model(filepath)'Keras model:') kmodel.summary() return KerasModelGraph(kmodel).convert() logger.error('Weights file is not HDF5 and no PyTorch module name specified') return None
[docs] def annotate_quantization( modelgraph: ModelGraph, activations_range: dict[str, ActivationRange], number_type: type[int | float], width: int, long_width: int) -> bool: if number_type == int: # Activation range only when using fixed-point quantization if not activations_range: logger.error('No activations range data available, required for fixed-point quantization') return False # Populate quantization information for all layers from activations_range for node in modelgraph.nodes: if in activations_range: node.q = Quantization( number_type=number_type, width=width, long_width=long_width, weights_scale_factor=activations_range[].weights_q, bias_scale_factor=activations_range[].bias_q, output_scale_factor=activations_range[].activation_q, weights_round_mode=activations_range[].weights_round_mode, output_round_mode=activations_range[].activation_round_mode, ) elif not node.innodes: logger.warning('No quantization information for %s, looking for a subsequent layer with information', nextnode = node.outnodes[0] while not in activations_range and nextnode.outnodes: nextnode = nextnode.outnodes[0] if in activations_range: logger.warning('Applying layer %s quantization information to %s',, node.q = Quantization( number_type=number_type, width=width, long_width=long_width, weights_scale_factor=activations_range[].weights_q, bias_scale_factor=activations_range[].bias_q, output_scale_factor=activations_range[].activation_q, weights_round_mode=activations_range[].weights_round_mode, output_round_mode=activations_range[].activation_round_mode, ) else: logger.error('No quantization information for %s, and no previous layer to copy from', else: logger.warning('No quantization information for %s, applying first previous layer %s information',, node.innodes[0] node.q = copy.deepcopy(node.innodes[0].q) else: for node in modelgraph.nodes: # No scale factor if not fixed-point quantization on integers node.q = Quantization( number_type=number_type, width=width, long_width=long_width, weights_scale_factor=0, bias_scale_factor=None, output_scale_factor=0, weights_round_mode=RoundMode.NONE, output_round_mode=RoundMode.NONE, ) return True
[docs] def qualia_codegen(filename: str, quantize: str = 'float32', activations_range_file: str = '', module_name: str = '', # PyTorch module name *args: str) -> str | None: # PyTorch module args filepath = Path(filename) fname = filepath.stem number_type: type[int | float] if quantize == 'float32': number_type = float width = 32 long_width = 32 elif quantize == 'int16': number_type = int width = 16 long_width = 32 elif quantize == 'int8': number_type = int width = 8 long_width = 16 else: logger.error('Qualia-CodeGen only supports no (float32) quantization, int8 or int16 quantization, got %s', quantize) return None modelgraph = load_modelgraph(filepath, module_name, *args) if not modelgraph: return None activations_range = ActivationsRange() if activations_range_file: activations_range = activations_range.load(Path(activations_range_file), input_layer_name=modelgraph.nodes[0] if not annotate_quantization(modelgraph, activations_range, number_type, width, long_width): return None converter = Converter(output_path=Path('out')/'qualia_codegen'/fname) fullmodel_h = converter.convert_model(modelgraph) if fullmodel_h: with (Path('out')/'qualia_codegen'/fname/'full_model.h').open('w') as f: _ = f.write(fullmodel_h) return fullmodel_h
[docs] def main() -> int: if len(sys.argv) < 2: # noqa: PLR2004 Only required arg is weights file logger.error('Usage: %s <weights_file>' ' [quantization] [activations_range_file] [pytorch_module_name] [pytorch_module_args]', sys.argv[0]) sys.exit(1) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) return 0 if qualia_codegen(*sys.argv[1:]) is not None else 1
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())