Complete Guide to PDM (Python Development Master)

1. Introduction to PDM

PDM is a modern Python package manager that supports PEP 582 and uses pyproject.toml for dependency specification. It aims to bring modern Python packaging features to developers while maintaining ease of use.

PDM official documentation

Key Features

  • PEP 582 support (local package installation)

  • Dependency resolution

  • Virtual environment management

  • Project-based dependencies

  • Lock file for reproducible installations

  • Plugin system

2. Installation

System Installation

# Using pip
pip install pdm

# Using Homebrew (macOS)
brew install pdm

# Using Scoop (Windows)
scoop install pdm

Verify Installation

pdm --version

3. Project Management

Initialize a New Project

# Create a new project
pdm init

# Initialize in current directory
cd my_project
pdm init

Project Structure

├── pyproject.toml      # Project configuration
├── pdm.lock           # Lock file
├── __pypackages__/    # Local packages directory
├── src/               # Source code
│   └── my_project/
└── tests/             # Test files

Configuration in pyproject.toml

name = "my-project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "My Python project"
authors = [
    {name = "Your Name", email = ""},
dependencies = [
requires-python = ">=3.8"

requires = ["pdm-backend"]
build-backend = "pdm.backend"

package-dir = "src"

4. Dependency Management

Adding Dependencies

# Add a production dependency
pdm add requests

# Add a development dependency
pdm add -d pytest

# Add with specific version
pdm add "requests>=2.25.0"

# Add multiple packages
pdm add requests pandas numpy

Removing Dependencies

# Remove a package
pdm remove requests

# Remove a dev dependency
pdm remove -d pytest

Installing Dependencies

# Install all dependencies
pdm install

# Install only production dependencies
pdm install --prod

# Install with specific Python version
pdm install --python 3.9

Updating Dependencies

# Update all packages
pdm update

# Update specific package
pdm update requests

# Update based on lock file
pdm sync

Managing Groups

# Add a new dependency group
pdm add -G test pytest

# Install specific group
pdm install -G test

# Remove from group
pdm remove -G test pytest

5. Virtual Environment Handling

Virtual Environment Management

# Create a new environment
pdm venv create

# Create with specific Python version
pdm venv create --python 3.9

# List environments
pdm venv list

# Remove environment
pdm venv remove <name>

# Activate environment
pdm venv activate

6. Publishing Packages

Build Package

# Build distribution
pdm build

# Build specific format
pdm build --format wheel

Publish Package

# Publish to PyPI
pdm publish

# Publish to custom repository
pdm publish -r custom

7. Best Practices

Project Organization

  • Use src layout for your packages

  • Keep tests outside the main package

  • Use dependency groups effectively

  • Maintain a clean requirements structure

Dependency Management

  • Use specific versions in production

  • Lock dependencies for reproducibility

  • Regular security updates

  • Use dependency groups for different environments

Version Control

# Files to include in .gitignore

8. Advanced Features

Scripts Management

test = "pytest tests/"
lint = "flake8 src/"
start = "python -m my_project"

Using Scripts

# Run defined script
pdm run test

# Run arbitrary command
pdm run python -m pytest

Plugin System

# Install plugin
pdm plugin add pdm-bump

# List plugins
pdm plugin list

Lock File Management

# Generate lock file
pdm lock

# Update lock file
pdm lock --update

# Install from lock file
pdm sync

Common Commands Reference



pdm init

Initialize a project

pdm install

Install dependencies

pdm add

Add dependencies

pdm remove

Remove dependencies

pdm update

Update dependencies

pdm run

Run commands

pdm build

Build package

pdm publish

Publish package


Common Issues

  1. Dependency Resolution Conflicts

# Try updating the lock file
pdm lock --update

# Check for outdated packages
pdm update --dry-run
  1. Virtual Environment Issues

# Remove and recreate environment
pdm venv remove default
pdm venv create
  1. Build Issues

# Clean build files
pdm clean
pdm build --clean

Tips for Success

  1. Always use a lock file for production

  2. Keep your PDM version updated

  3. Use dependency groups effectively

  4. Document your project’s requirements

  5. Regular security audits