"""Contain implementation of quantized 1D layers with support for SpikingJelly ``step_mode``."""
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import sys
from typing import cast
from qualia_core.learningmodel.pytorch import quantized_layers1d
from qualia_core.typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from spikingjelly.activation_based import functional # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from spikingjelly.activation_based.base import StepModule # type: ignore[import-untyped]
# We are inside a TYPE_CHECKING block but our custom TYPE_CHECKING constant triggers TCH001-TCH003 so ignore them
import torch # noqa: TC002
from qualia_core.learningmodel.pytorch.Quantizer import QuantizationConfig # noqa: TC002
from torch import nn # noqa: TC002
if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
from typing import override
from typing_extensions import override
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class QuantizedConv1d(quantized_layers1d.QuantizedConv1d,
StepModule): # type: ignore[misc]
"""Add SpikingJelly's ``step_mode`` support to Qualia's quantized Conv1d layer."""
def __init__(self, # noqa: PLR0913
in_channels: int,
out_channels: int,
quant_params: QuantizationConfig,
kernel_size: int = 3,
stride: int = 1,
padding: int = 0,
dilation: int = 1,
groups: int = 1,
bias: bool = True, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
activation: nn.Module | None = None,
step_mode: str = 's') -> None:
"""Construct :class:`QuantizedConv1d`.
:param in_channels: Number of input channels
:param out_channels: Number of output channels, i.e., number of filters
:param kernel_size: Size of the kernel
:param stride: Stride of the convolution
:param padding: Padding added to both sides of the input
:param dilation: Spacing between kernel elements
:param groups: Number of blocked connections from input channels to output channels
:param bias: If ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output
:param quant_params: Dict containing quantization parameters, see
:param activation: Activation layer to fuse for quantization purposes, ``None`` if unfused or no activation
:param step_mode: SpikingJelly's ``step_mode``, either ``'s'`` or ``'m'``, see
self.step_mode = step_mode
# From spikingjelly.activation_based.layer.Conv1d
# Copied to call super().forward(x) of quantized_layers1d.Conv1d instead of torch.nn.Conv1d
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Forward :class:`qualia_core.learningmodel.pytorch.quantized_layers1d.QuantizedConv1d` with ``step_mode`` support.
:param input: Input tensor
:return: Output tensor
x = input
if self.step_mode == 's':
x = super().forward(x)
elif self.step_mode == 'm':
if x.dim() != 4: # noqa: PLR2004
logger.error('Expected input with shape [T, N, C, L], but got input with shape %s', x.shape)
raise ValueError
x = functional.seq_to_ann_forward(x, super().forward)
return x
class QuantizedMaxPool1d(quantized_layers1d.QuantizedMaxPool1d,
StepModule): # type: ignore[misc]
"""Add SpikingJelly's ``step_mode`` support to Qualia's quantized MaxPool1d layer."""
def __init__(self, # noqa: PLR0913
kernel_size: int,
quant_params: QuantizationConfig,
stride: int | None = None,
padding: int = 0,
activation: nn.Module | None = None,
step_mode: str = 's') -> None:
"""Construct :class:`QuantizedMaxPool1d`.
:param kernel_size: Size of the sliding window
:param stride: Stride of the sliding window
:param padding: Implicit negative infinity padding to be added on both sides
:param quant_params: Dict containing quantization parameters, see
:param activation: Activation layer to fuse for quantization purposes, ``None`` if unfused or no activation
:param step_mode: SpikingJelly's ``step_mode``, either ``'s'`` or ``'m'``, see
self.step_mode = step_mode
# From spikingjelly.activation_based.layer.MaxPool1d
# Copied to call super().forward(x) of quantized_layers1d.MaxPool1d instead of torch.nn.MaxPool1d
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Forward :class:`qualia_core.learningmodel.pytorch.quantized_layers1d.QuantizedMaxPool1d` with ``step_mode`` support.
:param input: Input tensor
:return: Output tensor
x = input
if self.step_mode == 's':
x = super().forward(x)
elif self.step_mode == 'm':
if x.dim() != 4: # noqa: PLR2004
logger.error('Expected input with shape [T, N, C, L], but got input with shape %s', x.shape)
raise ValueError
x = functional.seq_to_ann_forward(x, super().forward)
return x
class QuantizedBatchNorm1d(quantized_layers1d.QuantizedBatchNorm1d,
StepModule): # type: ignore[misc]
"""Add SpikingJelly's ``step_mode`` support to Qualia's quantized BatchNorm1d layer."""
def __init__(self, # noqa: PLR0913
num_features: int,
quant_params: QuantizationConfig,
eps: float = 1e-05,
momentum: float = 0.1,
affine: bool = True, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
track_running_stats: bool = True, # noqa: FBT001, FBT002
device: torch.device | None = None,
dtype: torch.dtype | None = None,
activation: torch.nn.Module | None = None,
step_mode: str = 's') -> None:
"""Construct :class:`QuantizedBatchNorm1d`.
:param num_features: Number of features or channels of the input
:param eps: Value added to the denominator for numerical stability
:param momentum: value used for the running_mean and running_var computation
:param affine: If ``True``, add learnable affine parameters
:param track_running_stats: If ``True``, track the running mean and variance, otherwise always uses batch statistics
:param device: Optional device to perform the computation on
:param dtype: Optional data type
:param quant_params: Dict containing quantization parameters, see
:param activation: Activation layer to fuse for quantization purposes, ``None`` if unfused or no activation
:param step_mode: SpikingJelly's ``step_mode``, either ``'s'`` or ``'m'``, see
self.step_mode = step_mode
# From spikingjelly.activation_based.layer.MaxPool1d
# Copied to call super().forward(x) of quantized_layers1d.MaxPool1d instead of torch.nn.MaxPool1d
def forward(self, input: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Forward :class:`qualia_core.learningmodel.pytorch.quantized_layers1d.QuantizedBatchNorm1d` with ``step_mode`` support.
:param input: Input tensor
:return: Output tensor
x = input
if self.step_mode == 's':
x = super().forward(x)
elif self.step_mode == 'm':
if x.dim() != 4: # noqa: PLR2004
logger.error('Expected input with shape [T, N, C, L], but got input with shape %s', x.shape)
raise ValueError
x = functional.seq_to_ann_forward(x, super().forward)
return x