Source code for qualia_core.utils.merge_dict

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from import Mapping
from typing import Any, TypeVar, Union, cast

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RecursiveConfigUnion = Union[Any, Mapping[str, Any], list[Any]]
RecursiveMapping = Mapping[str, RecursiveConfigUnion]

T = TypeVar('T', str, int)
TRecursiveDict = dict[T, RecursiveConfigUnion]
TRecursiveMapping = Mapping[T, RecursiveConfigUnion]

U = TypeVar('U', bound=RecursiveMapping)

[docs] def merge_dict(dict_a: U, dict_b: U, merge_lists: bool = False) -> U: # noqa: FBT001, FBT002 """Merge elements from dict_b into dict_a if they are missing.""" def merger(table: TRecursiveDict[T], template: TRecursiveMapping[T]) -> None: for k, template_v in template.items(): if k not in table: table[k] = copy.deepcopy(template_v) continue table_v = table[k] if isinstance(template_v, dict): if not isinstance(table_v, dict): logger.error("Incompatible target value type %s for key '%s', expected dict", type(table_v), k) raise TypeError merger(table_v, template_v) elif isinstance(template_v, list) and merge_lists: if not isinstance(table_v, dict): logger.error("Incompatible target value type %s for key '%s', expected dict", type(table_v), k) raise TypeError # Convert possible string keys to int temp_table = {int(tblk): tblv for tblk, tblv in table_v.items()} # Convert template list to dict v_dict: TRecursiveDict[int] = dict(enumerate(template_v)) # Merge converted template dict into table merger(temp_table, v_dict) # Convert back dest table to list, iterate up to highest index table[k] = [temp_table[tbli] for tbli in range(sorted(temp_table.keys())[-1] + 1)] # Mapping becomes Dict after copy as it is mutable and modified by merger() dict_r = cast(TRecursiveDict[str], copy.deepcopy(dict_a)) merger(dict_r, dict_b) # Merged dict is cast back to original Mapping type to keep type compatibility return cast(U, dict_r)