from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any
from qualia_core import random
from qualia_core.typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# We are inside a TYPE_CHECKING block but our custom TYPE_CHECKING constant triggers TCH001-TCH003 so ignore them
import numpy as np # noqa: TCH002
import numpy.typing # noqa: TCH002
from qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation import DataAugmentation # noqa: TCH001
from qualia_core.datamodel.RawDataModel import RawDataModel # noqa: TCH001
from qualia_core.evaluation.Stats import Stats # noqa: TCH001
from qualia_core.learningframework.LearningFramework import LearningFramework # noqa: TCH001
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Evaluator(ABC):
def apply_dataaugmentations(self,
framework: LearningFramework[Any],
dataaugmentations: list[DataAugmentation] | None,
test_x: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.float32],
test_y: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.int32]) -> tuple[numpy.typing.NDArray[np.float32],
"""Apply evaluation :class:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation` to dataset.
Only the :class:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation`
with :attr:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation.evaluate` set are applied.
This should not be used to apply actual data augmentation to the data, but rather use the conversion or transform
:class:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation` modules.
:param framework: The :class:`qualia_core.learningframework.LearningFramework.LearningFramework` instance
providing the :meth:`qualia_core.learningframework.LearningFramework.LearningFramework.apply_dataaugmentation` method
compatible with the provided :class:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation`
:param dataaugmentations: List of :class:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation` objects
:param test_x: Input data to apply data augmentation to
:param test_y: Input labels to apply data augmentation to
:return: Tuple of data and labels after
applying :class:`qualia_core.dataaugmentation.DataAugmentation.DataAugmentation` sequentially
if dataaugmentations is None:
return test_x, test_y
for da in dataaugmentations:
if da.evaluate:
test_x, test_y = framework.apply_dataaugmentation(da, test_x, test_y)
return test_x, test_y
def shuffle_dataset(self,
test_x: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.float32],
test_y: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.int32]) -> tuple[numpy.typing.NDArray[np.float32],
"""Shuffle the input data, keeping the labels in the same order as the shuffled data.
Shuffling uses the seeded shared random generator from :obj:`qualia_core.random.shared`.
:param test_x: Input data
:param test_y: Input labels
:return: Tuple of shuffled data and labels
perms = random.shared.generator.permutation(len(test_y))
test_x = test_x[perms]
test_y = test_y[perms]
return test_x, test_y
def limit_dataset(self,
test_x: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.float32],
test_y: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.int32],
limit: int | None) -> tuple[numpy.typing.NDArray[np.float32],
"""Truncate dataset to ``limit`` samples.
:param test_x: Input data
:param test_y: Input labels
:param limit: Number of samples to truncate to, data is returned as-is if `None` or 0
:return: Tuple of data and labels limited to ``limit`` samples
if limit:
test_x = test_x[:limit]
test_y = test_y[:limit]
return test_x, test_y
def compute_accuracy(self,
preds: list[int],
truth: numpy.typing.NDArray[np.int32]) -> float:
"""Compute accuracy from the target results.
:param results: List of :class:`Result` from inference on the target
:param test_y: Array of ground truth one-hot encoded
:return: Accuracy (micro) between 0 and 1
correct = 0
for line, pred in zip(truth, preds):
logger.debug('%s %s', line.argmax(), pred)
if line.argmax() == pred:
correct += 1
return correct / len(preds)
def evaluate(self, # noqa: PLR0913
framework: LearningFramework[Any],
model_kind: str,
dataset: RawDataModel,
target: str,
tag: str,
limit: int | None = None,
dataaugmentations: list[DataAugmentation] | None = None) -> Stats | None: