Source code for qualia_codegen_plugin_snn.graph.TorchModelGraph

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Protocol, cast

import numpy as np
import qualia_codegen_core.graph
from qualia_codegen_core.graph.layers import TBaseLayer, TInputLayer
from qualia_codegen_core.typing import DTypes, Shape, Shapes
from spikingjelly.activation_based import functional  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from spikingjelly.activation_based.layer import SeqToANNContainer, torch  # type: ignore[import-untyped]
from spikingjelly.activation_based.neuron import IFNode, LIFNode, ParametricLIFNode  # type: ignore[import-untyped]

from .layers import (

    from qualia_codegen_core.graph import ModelGraph
    from torch.nn import Module

if sys.version_info >= (3, 12):
    from typing import override
    from typing_extensions import override

[docs] class SequentialForward(Protocol): """Type Sequential.forward with torch.Tensor as the original Sequential.forward is untyped and makes mypy unhappy."""
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: ...
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class TorchModelGraph(qualia_codegen_core.graph.TorchModelGraph): MODULE_MAPPING: ClassVar[dict[type[Module], Callable[[Module, TBaseLayer], tuple[type[TBaseLayer], list[Any]]]]] = { # SNN layers IFNode: lambda module, _: (TIfLayer, [np.array(cast(IFNode, module).v_threshold, dtype=np.float32), np.array(cast(IFNode, module).v_reset, dtype=np.float32) if module.v_reset is not None else None, int(cast(IFNode, module).v_reset is None)]), LIFNode: lambda module, _: (TLifLayer, [np.array(cast(LIFNode, module).v_threshold, dtype=np.float32), np.array(cast(LIFNode, module).v_reset, dtype=np.float32) if module.v_reset is not None else None, int(cast(LIFNode, module).v_reset is None), np.array(1 / cast(LIFNode, module).tau, dtype=np.float32), int(cast(LIFNode, module).decay_input)]), ParametricLIFNode: lambda module, _: (TLifLayer, [np.array(cast(ParametricLIFNode, module).v_threshold, dtype=np.float32), np.array(cast(ParametricLIFNode, module).v_reset, dtype=np.float32) if module.v_reset is not None else None, int(cast(ParametricLIFNode, module).v_reset is None), np.array(float(cast(ParametricLIFNode, module).w.sigmoid()), dtype=np.float32), int(cast(ParametricLIFNode, module).decay_input)]), **qualia_codegen_core.graph.TorchModelGraph.MODULE_MAPPING, }
[docs] @override def convert(self, custom_layers: dict[type[Module], Callable[[Module, TBaseLayer], tuple[type[TBaseLayer], list[Any]]]] | None = None) -> ModelGraph | None: custom_layers = custom_layers if custom_layers is not None else {} custom_layers = {**TorchModelGraph.MODULE_MAPPING, **custom_layers} # Make sure to reset network before tracing, otherwise spiking neurons may have wrong potential shape functional.reset_net(self._model) # Monkey-patch SeqToANNContainer forward() to be able to trace enclosed module properly seqtoanncontainer_forward = SeqToANNContainer.forward SeqToANNContainer.forward = lambda self, x_seq: cast(SequentialForward, super(type(self), self)).forward(x_seq) ret = super().convert(custom_layers) # Restore original method SeqToANNContainer.forward = seqtoanncontainer_forward return ret
@override def _convert_placeholder(self) -> TBaseLayer | None: if not hasattr(self._model, 'input_shape') or not isinstance(self._model.input_shape, tuple): logger.error('Model must have input_shape attribute') return None shp: Shape = Shape(self._model.input_shape) if not getattr(self._model, 'is_snn', False): # Prepend dummy dimension instead of timestep if not SNN model shp = Shape((1, *shp)) # Assume input is single-precision floating-point # WIP it could change return TInputLayer(Shapes((shp,)), Shapes((shp,)), DTypes((np.float32,)), 'input')