Source code for qualia_codegen_plugin_snn.Converter

# Copyright 2021 (c) Pierre-Emmanuel Novac <> Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, LEAT. All rights reserved.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import sys
from importlib.resources import files
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar

import qualia_codegen_core

from .graph import layers

    from qualia_codegen_core.graph.layers import TBaseLayer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Converter(qualia_codegen_core.Converter): layer_template_files: ClassVar[dict[type[TBaseLayer], str | None]] = {**qualia_codegen_core.Converter.layer_template_files, # SNN layers layers.TIfLayer: 'if', layers.TLifLayer: 'lif', # SNN OD layers layers.TObjectDetectionPostProcessLayer: 'od_postprocess', } TEMPLATE_PATH = files('qualia_codegen_plugin_snn.assets') def __init__(self, output_path: Path | None = None) -> None: super().__init__(output_path=output_path) # Super failed to popuate template_path if self._template_path is None: return template_path: Path | None = None # Prepend to template_path so that our files have higher priority over qualia_codegen_core files if isinstance(Converter.TEMPLATE_PATH, Path): # Already Path objected, no need for hackery template_path = Converter.TEMPLATE_PATH elif sys.version_info >= (3, 10): # Python 3.10 may return MultiplexedPath from importlib.readers import MultiplexedPath if isinstance(Converter.TEMPLATE_PATH, MultiplexedPath): template_path = Converter.TEMPLATE_PATH / '' # / operator applies to underlying Path if template_path is not None: self._template_path.insert(0, template_path) else: # If we failed, also clear _template_path to fail conversion altogether instead of having incorrect search path self._template_path = None